Rishit Dagli

2nd year CS Undergrad @ UofT, ML and Vision Research @ Qualcomm, DGP Lab, Vector Institute

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I also write a blog.

I am a CS Sophomore at The University of Toronto. I love researching and working with Machine Learning, especially Computer Vision. Coming from the software and robotics background, I contribute extensively to/ maintain popular open-source projects like TensorFlow, PyTorch Foundation, Kubernetes, Kubeflow, PapersWithCode, freeCodeCamp among others. I also love building open-source projects, some of which have been pretty popular which could be found on my GitHub. Seeing my work at a rather young age, I was invited to speak at 2 TEDx and 1 TED-Ed events. In a previous life I used to do a lot of robotics and software development. Furthermore, I have also represented my country in international olympiads. Feel free to talk with me about anything CS, Math, Robotics, or Physics.

I am currently working as a Research Intern at Qualcomm Research researching video models. I am advised by Prof. David Lindell as a part of the DGP Lab, Vector Institute at the University of Toronto where I research Diffusion.

My research community service can be summarized as being a: program committee member for ICLR Tiny Papers 2023; reviewer for ICLR PML4DC 2023, NeurIPS 2023, Cloud Native Wasm Day, and ICLR 2024.

As to why I got drawn to Computer Vision, I do believe it is one of the richest modalities but also read this excerpt when I was quite young, from the book, “Visual Reconstruction” by Andrew Blake and Andrew Zisserman, some of my favourite researchers:

We count it a great privilege to be working in a field as exciting as Vision. On the one hand there is all the satisfaction of making things that work - of specifying, in mathematical terms, processes that handle visual information and then using computers to bring that mathematics to life. On the other hand there is a sense of awe (when time permits) at the sheer intricacy of creation. Of course it is the Biological scientists who are right in there; but computational studies, in seeking to define Visual processes in mathematical language, have made it clear just how intrinsically complex must be the chain of events that constitutes “seeing something”.


Feb 13, 2024 Received the T-CAIREM award for students at UofT.
Aug 17, 2023 1 oral + 1 poster accepted to PyTorch Conference.
Mar 15, 2023 Soon joining Civo, a startup as one of the first ML research scientists.
Mar 2, 2023 1 paper accepted to ICLRW.
Jan 17, 2023 Recipient of the Google AI Research Grant for 2023.

selected publications

  1. nerfus.png
    NeRF-US: Removing Ultrasound Imaging Artifacts from Neural Radiance Fields in the Wild
    Rishit DagliAtsuhiro HibiRahul G. Krishnan, and 1 more author
    PMLR 2024
  2. s2s.png
    SEE-2-SOUND custom_emoji : Zero-Shot Spatial Environment-to-Spatial Sound
    Rishit DagliShivesh PrakashRobert Wu, and 1 more author
    ICMLW 2024
  3. finch.png
    Beyond the Visible: Jointly Attending to Spectral and Spatial Dimensions with HSI-Diffusion for the FINCH Spacecraft
    Ian VyseRishit DagliDav Vrat Chadha, and 26 more authors
    SSC 2024 (Oral)
  4. masa.png
    Tuning In custom_emoji : Analysis of Audio Classifier Performance in Clinical Settings with Limited Data
    Hamza MahdiEptehal NashnoushRami Saab, and 4 more authors
    PMLR 2024
  5. diffuseraw.jpg
    DiffuseRAW: End-to-End Generative RAW Image Processing for Low-Light Images
    Rishit Dagli
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.18575 2023
  6. truck_mnerf.png
    PyTorch Made Efficient for the Edge: WASI-NN
    Rishit Dagli, and Shivay Lamba
    PyTorch Conference 2023
  7. wasm_akri.png
    Orchestrating Machine Learning on Edge Devices with PyTorch and WebAssembly (Oral)
    Rishit Dagli, and Shivay Lamba
    PyTorch Conference 2023 (Oral)
  8. astroformer.png
    Astroformer: More Data Might Not be All You Need for Classification
    Rishit Dagli
    ICLRW 2023
  9. cppe5.png
    CPPE-5: Medical Personal Protective Equipment Dataset
    Rishit Dagli, and Ali Mustufa Shaikh
    SN Computer Science 2023